February Newsletter 2016

Swimmers ages 13-18 will
Contact: Elin Cheverez [email protected]
Starting Monday, February 1
Mondays & Wednesday 5:00pm-6:15pm
Members: $70.00
Non-Members: $95.00

Mantas (4-6 year olds)
Mondays & Wednesdays 3:45pm-4:15pm
Dolphins (5-9 year olds)
Mondays & Wednesdays 4:15pm-5:00pm
$65.00/month (before discount)
Contact Coach Meg: [email protected]
*Non-members welcome with $25/month guest fee. Non-members must pay prior to swimming. Not valid for drop-in.

To schedule lessons with Tara:
email [email protected]
Cost: $150.00/4 30 min lessons $40/30 min lesson

Like putting a toddler to bed, sticking with New Year’s Resolutions is never easy. Life gets in the way, delectable foods taunt you from all sides and your willpower turns bipolar as you go from health nut to Nutella fanatic.
I think it’s obvious that 99% of us are never going to be a runway model and the weekly grind will always be something to contend with. But honestly, who cares? Learn to be you. Spend some time thinking about who YOU are, what you want, and WHY? Know yourself to help yourself.
Make sure to avoid the “blame game.” There are plenty of targets we can blame for carrying around extra body fat, everything from the media, our parents, our friends, fast food joints. But it really just boils down to you. Your body doesn’t want to be uncomfortable or unhealthy, it was made to MOVE. No more excuses, just move.
Stick to the basics without complicating things. Don’t get caught up in any particular diet, workout fad, detox or product that offers false hope and a one stop answer. Simply eat good food and move. Start with simple, small changes, not a bunch of changes
You have no idea if you are on track if you don’t measure your progress. Forget the scale, it’s not an accurate representation. Take photos, measurements and create fitness based goals like how many push-ups can you do now compared to 4 weeks ago?
Don’t forget to reward your progress. Even simple rewards like buying a new gym outfit or booking a weekend away can bring you joy and keep you on track.
Pay attention to your progress. If you feel you are getting off track, have plateaued, or are getting bored, then it is definitely time to mix things up. Try a new group fitness class here at OVAC, try a complimentary Thrive Performance Small Group Training session, challenge a friend to a workout or create a new meal plan for the week to refocus your mind and body.
Listen, transformation is not an event, it’s a process! The first step of that process is putting your trust into a fat loss expert. What makes a personal trainer a fat loss expert? RESULTS!
At the end of the day, results are what matter! As the leader of the Ojai Valley Athletic Club’s Dream Jeans Challenge, I have dedicated my life to helping people like you overcome the “impossible” and I KNOW what I’m doing. The Dream Jeans Challenge gets results. CONSISTENTLY. And we have fun doing it! What wouldn’t be fun about losing 6 inches in just 8 weeks (yes, I can make that happen).
Young or old…male or female…ectomorph or endomorph…average genes or amazing genes…deconditioned or pro lifter…it makes no difference!
I don’t care what set of obstacles life has dealt you…I am going to SMASH your genetics and incinerate the fat and make your body DRIP with confidence so you can LOVE your body 365-days a year. And I am going to make sure you have FUN along the way.

Mar 1st-Apr 28th Tu &Th 9:45-10:45am with Danielle
Feb 29th – Apr 27th M & W 4:00-5:00pm with Danielle
HERE’S HOW IT WORKS You will bring in a pair of jeans that you would like to fit into. You should be unable to button these jeans. We keep the jeans here at OVAC. In 8 weeks you WILL be wearing those jeans.
*2 group training sessions per week for 8 weeks led by a certified personal trainer.
*8 more solo workouts designed by a certified personal trainer (2 per week).
*Nutrition program and journal.
*Fitting into your dream jeans.
HOW IS THIS PROGRAM DIFFERENT? You will not rely on a scale. This is not a weight loss program. This is a REINVENT your body FAT LOSS program. You will learn the importance of strength training and metabolic training in the quest to lose fat. You will experience breakthrough moments and the feelings of empowerment that come along with such moments.
COST (non-refundable) Reserve your spot with a payment at the Front Desk.$198.50 billed Mar + another $198.50 billed Apr for members and $476 pre-pay for non-members.
Fay grew up in the mountains of West Virginia on an organic homesteading farm where yoga was always in the background. While there was rarely an organized class, the basic principles and philosophy were a constant undercurrent.
It was not, however, until later in life that Fay began to discover the true magnificence of yoga. It started in an intensely heated hour and a half power yoga class in DC, where the teacher was more like a drill sergeant than your traditional compassionate, Oming yogi. Throughout the class, Fay wondered why on earth people put themselves through this torture. With no more sweat to sweat and a shaking body, she barely made it and was pretty sure that she would never be back. But there was an undeniable feeling of true bliss, a definite link between mind and body. It was as if, for the first time she realized the control she had over every movement in her body, and the possibilities became infinite.
Fay’s yoga practice has not stopped since then. In 2013 she and her husband moved to Ojai and shortly thereafter she completed her 200 hour Yoga Alliance Certification at Corepower Yoga in Santa Barbara. Within the yoga community, she found her voice, her confidence and her drive to pursue yoga not only for herself but to share it with everyone. Her goal is to help students discover themselves and come to understand the magnificence that they are capable of.
Fay’s classes combine a down-to-earth approach with upbeat world music and a combination of different yoga styles. They are challenging, always changing and modifications and compassionate encouragement make them accessible for all ages and levels.ATHLETIC FLOW
Melanie is newly transplanted from Austin, Texas to the great and beautiful state of California. After traveling the country in an ’83 VW Vanagon with her partner, Daniel, they finally decided to make Ojai their forever home. Melanie loves teaching Yoga and is passionate about a healthy body and an open mind to circulate a positive vibration throughout your whole life.
“I have learned that having an active body can allow the mind to rest. After years of experience I am in a position to help lead others in this practice of body control, breath movement, and mind clearing by strengthening, lengthening, energizing, and meditating. Yoga is not only a mental and physical exercise, but also an exercise that permeates into other parts of life.”WORLD DANCE JAM
Explore high-energy rhythms from around the world including salsa, belly dance, Bollywood, flamenco, hip-hop and more for a fun experience bursting with positive energy
Nitana grew up in Santa Barbara and Goleta and graduated from UCLA’s dance program: World Arts and Cultures. There she studied flamenco dance, belly dance, and many other dance forms from around the world. Nitana continues to enjoy exploring cultures through their arts. Her Puerto Rican roots fuel her affection for Latin rhythms like salsa, meringue, and cha cha cha, to name a few. She has had the good fortune to dance in several dance companies and still performs often.
Nitana loves to laugh and make others laugh, to walk in nature, create art, sing, experience live performances, explore spirituality, travel (sometimes from the couch with a good book or film), eat good food, and watch Downton Abbey. She truly values her time dancing with friends and building community and that’s exactly what she aims to do at the Ojai Valley Athletic Club. She looks forward to meeting you all and thanks you in advance for all the good times ahead!
Ellen brings a dynamic, authentic approach to teaching yoga with the goal of making it accessible to all levels of students…particularly athletes, skeptics, beginners, or all of the above. She is a Midwestern native with a background firmly rooted in the sports and fitness world. A former Division I athlete with a master’s degree in sports administration from Ohio University, she spent 19 years in sales and leadership roles with NIKE in 5 US cities.
In 1996, Ellen was introduced to yoga to address a sports-related injury and quickly realized that yoga was a game…and life changer. Eight years later, she began to teach and has been an avid student/practitioner ever since. Ellen is registered with The Yoga Alliance as an E-RYT 200, RYT 500 teacher having completed her certifications with power yoga luminaries, Beryl Bender Birch and Baron Baptiste. She gives thanks to the many other teachers from other yogic paths who have influenced and inspired her journey.
Ellen has joyfully logged over 1,000 hours teaching hours teaching at Equinox Fitness Clubs and several other top yoga studios in New York City and Los Angeles since 2007. Over the past 5 years, she has assisted her mentor, Beryl Bender Birch at several national yoga conferences. In addition, Ellen served as the official yoga instructor for the NIKE North American sales force from 2011-2013. Yoga is truly a for-life “sport” for Ellen and she looks forward to seeing you …
Well, I have to say that the weather has been pretty good over the past month. We were able to get most of the League matches in which was great! As most of you tennis members know, the weekends can be pretty crazy out on the courts. We work on a first come, first serve system court reservation. This has worked well in the past, but as more USTA matches are scheduled, this becomes an issue. Always assume that our side courts 3-8 will be reserved for League play during the weekend. This means courts 1&2 will be open for tennis members. Courts 9&10 and also the upper clay courts are available. If any members have a difficult time getting a court to play please contact me so I can address the issue. Thanks for everyone's help!
See Ya on the Courts!
We are in the process of confirming our date for the Whites and Woodies Doubles Social. The event will consist of players dressing in white and being supplied a wooden racket. It will be intermediate/advanced doubles for both ladies and men. Look for a sign up poster in the lobby in the next week as we hope to have it in late February. Should be a great time!
Future Stars Clinic
Level I Tuesdays at 4:00pm
Level II Thursdays at 4:00pm
Intermediate/Advanced Clinic
Wednesdays at 5:00pm
Tournament Players Clinic
Mondays at 5:00pm and Wednesdays at 4:00pm
Intermediate Adult Clinic
Fridays at 10:00am
Workout with your Partner in the Pilates Studio and receive two free Sessions with the Purchase of any Pilates Program
Sharing with a Partner, the process of achieving that nice toned body which Pilates can give is what the Valentine’s month is all about. Pilates can also teach core strength, stability and balance which are also good characteristics for any healthy relationship.
So come in for your first free Pilates session and bring a partner, friend, or relative, and if you purchase a Pilates Program you will receive two more free sessions.
If you practice Pilates in our Studio already, bring or refer your Partner as a “Duet” or you can go “Solo” and receive two free Sessions.
Contact Victoria Ott 805-665-7406 or Julie Fox