June Newsletter 2015
First Happy Hour of the Season, Luau!
June 26th 5-8pm
Whether you are a brand new member or have been with us since the beginning, I am grateful to each and every one of you for being a member of Ojai Valley Athletic Club. And I want to thank you for your patience and support during our Locker Room project.
In the May newsletter we announced a dues increase effective June 1st. We have decided to postpone the dues increase until we finish the Locker Room project.
I would like to personally thank you for your continued membership at the club. Please contact me at 646-7213 if you have any questions.
Nancy Prather, General Manager
Thank you to everyone who submitted a name for Marigold’s baby boy. Look for Squirt around the club!
Summer is right around the corner and I am very excited about the events happening at OVAC Tennis! We are going to have a fun event for tennis members at the beginning of the month. June 5th we will have a Tacos & Tennis free for tennis members! We will also be adding a great tennis cardio class Wednesday evenings throughout the summer. This will also be FREE for tennis members!!I hope everyone will take advantage of these fun events! I also hope everyone knows about Tuesday and Thursday drop in tennis on courts 1&2. There is free beer and chips for all players! It's a great time to be a tennis member at OVAC!
Finally, I want to give a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to our awesome Interclub C Team for winning their division in the Santa Barbara Interclub League! We are so proud of them and can't wait to show off the Champions cup in the club!
See Ya on the Courts!!
We are introducing a fun drop in Tennis Cardio class during the summer months. This will start mid-June on Wednesdays at 6:00pm. This is a FREE CLASS for tennis members. The class will be high energy for players of an intermediate/advanced level. Look for dates at the front lobby.OVAC SUMMER TENNIS PROGRAM 2015
Come join Ryan Gaston and his staff this summer for a great time on the tennis courts! With a 5:1 student to coach ratio, we promise your kids will get the most out of our programs. From intro to tennis all the way to tournament players, we have something for everyone!
Future Star Tennis Program (Ages 5-8) Time: 9:00-11:30 Cost: $100
This program is a great intro for kids looking to get interested in the game. We will cover the basics while having fun playing different types of games geared towards their tennis future. Tennis from 9:00-11:00 then Instructional Water Activities 11:00-11:30June 15-19, July 13-17, August 3-7
Intermediate/Advanced Tennis Program (Ages 9 & Up) Time: 9:00-12:00 Cost: $125
This program covers many different levels. We divide the players according to their skill and ability. The program will push players with intense drills while also having fun with games and competition. Tennis from 9:00-11:30 then Instructional Water Activities 11:30-12:00June 22-26, July 6-10, July 20-24, August 10-14

IN-LOBBY REGISTRATION: JUNE 1st from 1:30-3:30pm. Come meet Tara and secure your group lessons!
Tadpoles Level One-Introduction to Water Skills (Ages 3-5)
Preschool age beginners start to gain basic aquatic skills and develop comfort in the water. You’ll learn: water entry and exit, bubble blowing, how to open eyes underwater and retrieve objects, kicking, treading water and sun safety.
Half-hour classes offered Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays at 9:30, 10:05, 10:40, and 11:15am.
Minnows Level Two-Fundamental Aquatics Skills (Ages 4-8)
Swimmers gain more confidence with fundamental swimming skills. You’ll learn: water entry by jumping, fully submerge and hold breath, roll from front to back, kicking with a kickboard, combine arm and leg action front and back.
Half-hour classes offered Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays at 1:00, 1:35, 2:10, and 2:45pm.
Mommy and Me Water Introduction (Ages 1-2)
Classes offered Wednesday and Thursdays 12:00-12:30pm
3 Ways To Register:
In Person: June 1st in the Lobby 1:30pm-3:30pm
By email: Contact Tara at [email protected]
In Lobby: A sign-up sheet will be posted in the lobby.
Members: $60/4-30 minute classes
Non-Members: $75/4-30 minute classes
(4 swimmer max/3 min per class)

Members: $40.00/30 minutes or $150.00 for 4/30 minute lessons.
Non-Members: $46.00/30 minutes $ 180.00 for 4/30 min lessons.
• Learn to Swim Instructor/stroke Development: Meg McCormick [email protected]
• Learn to Swim/Stroke Instructor (children): Tara Lenehan [email protected]
• Stroke Instruction/Coaching/Fitness: Brooke Atkins [email protected]

May 2nd was Pilates Day. A thank you to everyone who came out and joined in the event. There were many prizes given out. We had some great Demos on the Pilates equipment. Thank you if you were one who adventured on the Reformer. Thanks for making the day fun.Every year the first Saturday of May is considered Pilates Day. It is an International event to inform and share Pilates with others. If you missed the event, I will review and share some more information about Pilates. Joseph Pilates started developing his exercises by rehabilitating Soldiers in the hospital during World War 1. He used the springs of the hospital beds to create resistance. That is why the Reformer and Cadillac (the major equipment found in a Pilate’s studio) looks like a bed.
The Reformer is a frame with a rolling platform (the carriage) that travels in the horizontal plane. People can lie, sit, stand, straddle or place sitting boxes on top to perform various resistive exercises by springs with variable resistance weight. Movement is performed by pushing or pulling on bars, ropes and straps that are attached to the springs. The movements promote spinal support and alignment and can provide a zero gravity environment. As one becomes familiar with the Reformer and different mounting positions can change that zero gravity to use the forces of gravity to create more balance, and stability through movement. There are six springs found underneath the carriage, which is called the “well”. The weight range of the springs varies as the springs are pulled through a tension range of 6” to 36”. The springs are color coded, Yellow 5-15lbs, Blue 10-25lbs, Red 15-35lbs, Green 17-40lbs, and they are used in different combinations.
The next piece of equipment that is found in our OVAC Pilate’s Studio is the Cadillac. Joseph Pilates named the Cadillac at the time when its namesake automobile was the prestige car in America. The Cadillac introduces certain exercises that are harder to do on the Reformer. Individual exercises were developed for rehabilitation preparation and/or to provide a wonderful, intense, supportive, and hands-on experience. The table is designed to help people to stay up off the floor and is the right height for easy mounting and dismounting. The Cadillac is also called the Trapeze or “Trap” table – named for the Trapeze attachment that attaches to a top slider bar. The Trap table can be used to create traction in the spine, and challenging hanging style of exercises. The Cadillac also uses the same color spring as mentioned on the Reformer for the resistance work. There are other devises found in the Pilates world, but the Reformer and Cadillac are founded in the OVAC Pilate’s Studio.

The Mat Pilates classes are open to all members on: Mon. 4pm, Wed. 4pm, and Fri. 8:30am. Please check out one of these classes if you get the chance. If you are interested in working on the Reformer or Cadillac, please contact Victoria Ott 805-665-7406, or Julie Fox 323-829-5562. Your first session is Complimentary.
Mondays 7:15 – 8:15 p.m.
Conditioning: Yoga, Arm Weights, Bosu Balance Work
Movement: Explore different dance genres!
Jazz, hip-hop, modern, creative movement and more
Explore different dance genres, yoga conditioning, free weights and Bosu balance work in this exciting Conditioning & Movement class taught by the one and only Kim Hoj, Nordhoff High School dance teacher and program director. Kim has taught and choreographed work in a variety of dance genres and is excited to connect with OVAC members to share the joy of dance. Dance genres will rotate approximately every six weeks.

Tuesdays 7:15-8:15pm
This class has been so popular on Thursday that we are adding a second class on Tuesdays. Come find your power in this high energy cardio class designed to help you develop your inner warrior.

Saturdays 6-7pm
Carrie brings her own rhythm revolution flair to this one hour long endurance Spin ride guaranteed to be a unique fun fitness ride.

Mondays 4-5pm
Pilates inspired mat work focusing on abdominals, glutes and lower back strengthening.
Fit & Fierce with Selina Lehwald
Wednesdays 6-7am
Tabata inspired interval training. Come experience brief cardiovascular bouts mixed with muscle conditioning for a high energy, fun workout to get you fit and fabulous fast! Bring it!

Wednesdays 7:15-8:15pm
Athletic cardio funky hip-hop dance fitness that combines dance and high energy music for a workout that is bound to get your heart rate up, your body moving, and make you work up a sweat – all while having FUN!

Mondays at 12:15pm
A proven weight loss program that is based on safe and intelligent scienceThe 8-Week Dream Jeans Challenge was created to give you your confidence back! We know you are tired of failing at losing weight and would like a PROVEN system that will keep you looking FABULOUS all year round. We are ready to help this summer to give you a fit and firm body that screams confidence and competence. Strong is the new sexy!
If you want to strip fat, whether it's the first fifty pounds or last few pounds, to fit into your favorite jeans, you need top-notch info. Our certified personal trainers have done all your science homework for you, got insider access to all the world's top experts who know the truth and have fine-tuned and tweaked every detail to give you every advantage to get your body right where you want it to be. Getting a flawless figure is totally about strategy, science and simplicity. The 8-Week Dream Jeans Challenge offers all of this and much more with an exercise and nutrition system that will get you to your weight loss goal in the safest and fastest way possible. This system has helped so many say, "I love my body!" Recent Dream Jeans participant Mary has this to say about her experience…"I think I’m going to cry. I put on a pair of pants that I had given up on ever wearing. They buttoned so easily I seriously think I could cry. I am so happy."
The 8-Week Dream Jeans Challenge is not easy. And that's the exact reason it will not fail you like every "quick and easy" method that has misled you. Whether you're a busy college student, mom, career-lady, making a fitness comeback or long-time fitness buff… it's possible for anyone to achieve the eye-catching physique most only dream about. And although it is tough, the 8-Week Dream Jeans Challenge is scalable for ALL FITNESS LEVELS and body types.

June 22-Aug 12 M &W 5:45-6:45am with Eric
June 23-Aug 13 Tu & Th 9:45-10:45am with Danielle
*2 group training sessions per week for 8 weeks led by a certified personal trainer.
*8 more solo workouts designed by a certified personal trainer (2 per week).
*Nutrition program and journal.
*A positive mindset AND you WILL fit into your “dream jeans.”
HERE IS THE COST (non-refundable) Reserve your spot with an email to [email protected]. $198.50 billed in July plus another $198.50 billed in August (non-members pre-pay $476). Away during this time? No problem, we can pro-rate out the time you are away if you notify us before the start date.
QUESTIONS OR TO SIGN UP: contact Danielle Williams at [email protected] or 818-219-4835.
-Danielle Williams, Fitness DirectorFoam rolling techniques can make significant improvements to your performance and tissue health. Learning how manipulate the tissues around the calf and Achilles region can relieve tightness, soreness and dysfunction in one of the most overused regions of the body. The back of the lower leg is comprised of the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscle (commonly known as the calf muscles). Foam rolling is important before exercise to help increase local blood flow to these tissues, and to increase their temperature, before you start using them.

1. Position the roller directly over a tight or sore spot in your tissues. Using 1-2 inch oscillations on and off this spot, cover only approximately 3 inches of tissue at a time. Focus on small areas and resolve them one by one.
2. Attempt to relax the knee and ankle joints while working on the muscles comprising the calf.
3. Position your upper body and core in as neutral as position as possible.
4. Find areas in-between adjacent muscle tissues to roll. If an adjacent or overlaying tissue is “stuck” to the muscle being contracted, there will not be a natural pathway for movement and may lead to chronic pain, dysfunction and overall reduction in performance.
5. Each specific spot should be treated for a minimum of 90 seconds.
6. For chronic tightness, more frequency will be needed, like 3 times a day.
The soleus is located below the gastrocnemius. Roll from the bottom section of the achilles tendon all the way up the lower section of the calf muscles.
For the medial portion of the calf muscle, position the roller over the medial (toward the center) aspect of the lower leg, and roll from the crease of the knee, to the top of the soleus. Make sure to cover the connection between the soleus and the medial gastrocnemius. This is where a majority of the tightness will present.
Use the same body position as the medial gastrocnemius, but position the roller over the lateral (outer) side of the lower leg. While rolling this region, you can concentrate on the lateral gastrocnemius itself (crease of knee to upper portion of soleus), and onto the connection between the lateral calf and the muscles of the lateral lower leg (the perroneal group).

If you have mastered the foam rolling techniques as detailed above, a great way to progress and really hit some deep and tight trigger points is the use of a lacrosse ball in place of a foam roller. Due to the smaller diameter of the ball, the apex of the curve is smaller and can sit into more acute tissue spots. The best place to use the ball is between muscle tissues, especially the soleus and the gastrocnemius muscles.
Foam rolling will help you to get more from your workouts by adding to your tissue quality along with speeding up the recovery process after workouts. This leads to improvements overall health and function. And better yet, it’s as simple as investing a few minutes a day.
Source: Dr. John Rusin The Complete Guide to the Maintenance & Self Treatment of the Calf Muscles