November Newsletter 2017

I hope everyone is having a great Fall! We had a blast entertaining everyone during the Fall Festival last month. It was great to see everyone dancing and having a good time. The kids enjoyed the Jumper and all the other fun activities. Don't forget our great Christmas Party on December 8th. It's always a great event!
We have been working very hard over the past month or so to get the club looking better. We finally finished the lap pool and the parking lot. I think both projects look good. We also added a new fence surrounding both pools along with shiny new floors and carpet throughout the club. I can't thank our amazing maintenance staff enough for going above and beyond during these projects.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and let's hope for more nice Fall weather!!
See Ya at the Club!

We will be closed Thanksgiving Day so our staff can spend the holiday with their families. We wish each and every one of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
This years’ Turkey Trot is coming up! Join us, and bring your friends, Saturday November 18th at 11 am for a fun filled day of tennis. This is a FREE event for members and non-members so don’t miss out!
Live Ball continues Wednesdays at 5:30pm. It is limited to 6 men and 6 women. Minimum USTA rating is 3.5 for women and 4.0 for men.
Please text Thomas at 805 407 4481 or email him at [email protected] for information or question.
Future Stars
Ages 4 to 5, Saturday 10-11
Ages 6 to 8, Saturday 11-12
**For more information please contact Katya at
Advanced Clinics
Monday and Wednesday 4:30-5:30pm
**For more information please contact Thomas at
Our annual club doubles championships will be held on the first weekend in December. The format will be the same as last years. Teams will be paired up by the tournament committee and auctioned off on Friday afternoon, 12/1. Play will be either on the 2nd or 3rd. The proceeds will go toward buying a sports wheelchair for our member Thomas. Please come out and support a wonderful cause!
The next Rock Your Diet session begins November 20th. Click here to find out more about our program and read what participants are saying about it…
Enrollment ends Nov 16. Program begins Nov 20.
Cost is only $99 for members & non-members
Listen to what participants are saying:
Today when getting ready for work I put on a pair of shorts that I have barely been able to button. But today-those shorts went right on and zipped right up and they're still zipped and the button is still there and it's not tight and I'm like tripping out –G.D. after one week!
I see things changing. I've had several people remark on how I'm losing weight! I feel it and I feel that my body is different. It's like it's sucking in. Also I had really bad plantar fasciitis in my left foot and the 7 - 10 pounds that I lost has lifted the pain dramatically. – G.D. after 3 weeks!
I'm down 3.5 lbs so far. The food has been delicious. –E.F. after one week!
Lost 4 to go. Feel great AND I'm improving my cooking skills!! –J.N. after one week!
4 days in and 4 lbs down! I am no longer having the caffeine, sugar, "crap in diet" headaches and finding that the meals leave me feeling plenty full. –P.T after one week!
I am down 5.2lbs. I am excited to give a few of the vegetarian recipes a go this next week. –T.A after 1 week!
My husband and I are at almost twenty pounds down for a combined total of 40 lbs GONE!! The program really works. We have over 100lbs to lose so we signed up for a second round. –K.D. after 4 weeks!
23 pounds down, more than 4 pounds a week without starving and it is sustainable. Just, wowza. We have done other weight loss plans in the past and in the end we failed. We like food too much. But your recipes and the amount of food we can eat and still lose weight makes your plan one that we have had no problems maintaining. You rock! I would like to add, my wife and I both have serious health issues and this program has had a HUGE positive impact for us both. – E.D. after 5 weeks!
Not only is it helping me shed unwanted weight (7 lbs so far), but it also has me eating foods that are good for me and that taste good. It is one thing to be told how to eat properly, but a major step beyond that is giving us a menu to eat from and step by step directions for preparing these nutritious meals. Added to this are all the articles and information that is shared to educate us on the why of it all. Anyone who knows me knows I do not love to cook-but when I do cook I want it to taste good and not taste like I am denying myself flavor. I am never hungry with RYD program and my "system" has been very happy with this new way of eating. No more bloating or sugar cravings. I just feel overall better and definitely am not as tired as I was previously. – P.T. after 3 weeks!
So happy that I completed the 21 day RYD program! At the outset, I honestly did not think I could do it. I am super proud to say that I stuck to it nearly 100%. I am down a total of 4.5 lbs. But it is more than just the weight. I am feeling much more energetic and do not have the afternoon slump that drinking so much coffee in the morning left me with. I also to do not get crazy hungry between meals with feeling of plummeting blood sugar. In addition, my constant, low-level anxiety has disappeared. I have also noticed changes in my skin - my friends have noticed that I have more of a glow and that my eyes look bright and clear. Is this from the collagen? My sleep is also better. Have not been waking up at 2 or 3 at all. Thank you, Danielle, for designing this program, supporting us and helping us stick to it. It is so worth it. – S.F. after 3 weeks!
21 Days! At first it seemed overwhelming! Somehow, now it seems much easier to not only eat properly but the prep seems much easier and takes less time. I have lost 8.8 lbs! My blood pressure has dropped 8 points! My energy has dramatically increased! I no longer "hit a wall" energy-wise during the mid afternoon! My cravings for certain foods are almost non-existent now! I don't get as hungry or as often! – B.H. after 3 weeks!
Tell me more about the program…
If you're like most people, you were taught the same things growing up that I was: being skinny or fat is largely genetic and success at losing weight is a matter of effort and willpower. I can tell you that is simply not true. No matter your current weight or your background, I am convinced you can upgrade your diet and lose weight with the Rock Your Diet 21 Day Makeover.
I'm not making some lofty, melodramatic promise. This is a science based, real life tested program that is proven successful. This past year has been a rough one for me. After suffering from a serious infection, my body changed dramatically. I continued to exercise and eat the same but suddenly I felt tired all the time. I felt every bit of my 48 years and the weight kept coming on no matter what I did to eat "clean" or exercise. So I decided it was time to re-invent the wheel and became a Certified Nutritionist. This journey taught me about how inflammation and hidden food intolerances dramatically interfere with our ability to lose weight. I was able to shed 14 pounds effortlessly and the Rock Your Diet 21 Day Makeover was born. I feel great, energized and have found that it's not unusual for people to lose between 10 to 15 pounds in 21 days once they realize the roadblocks in the way.
So what is the Rock Your Diet 21 Day Makeover? Quite simply it's an anti-inflammatory, immune boosting, gut healing, weight loss inducing, recovery plan. And it's very specific - it outlines exactly what to eat every meal every day for the entire 21 days, as well as how to carry forward after that. It offers relief from a hidden epidemic of pain and suffering caused by the foods we eat, even the apparently healthy foods. This straightforward nutrition plan is supported by healing recipes so your body finally has the ability to shed pounds. You do not need to meet with me, meet with a personal trainer, or do any workouts to follow this plan (although I do think exercise is a good idea!). It is completely self-guided and delivered to you via pdf's in your email inbox. There are even recipes for vegetarians and vegans!
The Rock Your Diet 21 Day Makeover is going to show you how certain healthy foods sabotage your weight loss effort, energy levels, skin, sleep, mood and your overall sense of well-being. Each of the 21 days will focus on utilizing anti-inflammatory nutrition principles to heal your gut and re-train your taste buds to make sugar cravings a thing of the past. You will learn how to smoothly implement lifestyle behaviors that will optimize hormone, metabolic and immune function automatically. You will learn how to build a healthy plate that gets you the results you desire and still leaves you feeling satisfied. You will experience appropriate meal spacing to allow for a stabilization of blood sugar and your liver to begin to burn body fat optimally in a plan that is sustainable for life.
How do you know if any of this applies to you? Remember all health begins in the gut. Rock Your Diet will rock your world if any of these sound familiar to you:
Muscle aches
Joint pain
Sinus congestion
Post-nasal drip
Excessive sinus issues
Foul-smelling stools
Sleep problems
Difficult concentrating
Food cravings
Water retention
Trouble losing weight
Skin problems
Canker sores
Puffy, dark circles under your eyes
Premenstrual syndrome
Other menstrual disorders
Bad breath
Even cellulite, the bane of many women's existence, is associated with food intolerance.
What do you get with the Rock Your Diet 21 Day Makeover?
• 21 days of easy meal planning including breakfast recipes, lunch guidelines, dinner recipes, and weekly shopping lists (vegetarian & vegan recipes are provided also)
• A clear cut plan of action that takes out the guesswork
• Goal setting and inspiration guides, a system to track changes to your body, and self awareness worksheets
• Access to a private Rock Your Diet Facebook group to ask questions and share the journey with other participants, as well as receive information and support from me.
This journey is designed to empower and motivate you without making you feel intimidated so that you can:
• Lose up to 7-20 pounds in 21 days
• Reclaim your energy and overcome fatigue (priceless!)
• Boost sex drive and reset your hormones
• Never have to count calories or go hungry again
• Learn to avoid weight re-gain
• Eat healthy meals your entire family will enjoy
• Reclaim your overall health
What you'll need to succeed:
• A PROMISE to yourself that you are WORTHY enough to take care of your health
• The WILLINGNESS to try something new and to HANG IN THERE when you feel challenged
• The COURAGE to reach out if you have struggles, questions or need help
How to join:
• Claim your spot by emailing [email protected]
• The next Rock Your Diet 21 Day Makeover begins November 20th
• You will receive your emailed pdf material the preceding Thursday
• Your account will be charged $129 SALE! $99 prior to receiving your materials
Danielle Wommack has been the Ojai Valley Athletic Club's Fitness Director and leading weight loss expert for over a decade. In addition to holding multiple Certified Personal Training credentials, she is also a Certified Nutritionist, Manual Therapist, and Licensed Massage Practitioner. Danielle says, "My passion in life is to empower others to reach goals they never imagined possible, especially in the area of weight loss. Changing lives and experiencing real results with real people every day is why I love coming to work every day."
Would you like to receive an email notification when classes are cancelled? Please send an email to [email protected] and we will add you to the email list.
Meet Mallory and find out more about our Spinning and Pound Programs…
Hi OVAC members! My name is Mallory Hajas and I am a certified Spinning instructor and Pound Pro! I am a working mom to Ava (4) and Dylan (1.5) and married to my husband Rick. I have lived in Ojai for 6 years and have been a member of Ojai Valley Athletic Club for 5 years.
My passion for fitness started when I was young, and I have been taking Spinning classes for 15 years! I knew I always wanted to be an instructor, and finally took the plunge last year; I began teaching and never looked back! I would love to have you join me at our new 5:00PM time slot on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (Kids Club is OPEN!!!) We have beautiful new room and incredible, brand new Spin Chrono Power bikes. We are the only club in California to have them!
My classes are challenging, but suitable for any fitness level. Get ready for good music, great friends and a fun energizing workout that will leave you wanting more!
See you in class!
Tuesday 5:00PM, Thursday 5:00 PM, Friday 5:45 AM
Pound- Rockout Workout- Monday 5:00PM
-Danielle Wommack, Fitness Director
Learn how to help eliminate pain by changing simple habits
One of the biggest causes of musculoskeletal pain is our daily habits. The key to breaking through pain barriers is to make neural changes to your daily movement habits. Remember: variability, variety and variation. Or put more simply, do lots of different things whenever you can.
The solution doesn’t have to be complicated to work. Below are some simply strategies that can have massive carryover to improving your quality of life. Get ready to move more of yourself, more often, and in many different ways. Your brain and your body will thank you.
Stand barefooted on one leg when brushing your teeth. This will challenge your balance and work on stabilizing your hips, not to mention giving massive sensory feedback through your foot. Make sure to alternate legs.
If you’re going to watch tv, do it while sitting on the ground. Start with five minutes at a time and build up. Going to the ground makes you change positions often and keeps your mind alert. Bet you can’t stay in the same position for long, and that’s a good thing.
Take the stairs. Forget about the escalator and the elevator. You know you should, so let’s get to it.
Walk the last ten feet to your car backwards. Who cars in someone looks at you funny? When’s the last time you walked backwards? Can’t remember? That’s precisely the point.
Jump up and down in place. Do it ten times and aim to get one to two inches off the floor. The bounce will help your balance system and get everything moving around more. Going in the vertical plane and fighting gravity is great for the heart.
Walk in a circle. Three times to the left and three times to your right. Movement is based in circles, spirals and rotations. Too much of our daily life is spent moving straightforward in lines. Get your circular motion on and don’t be surprised if you feel a bit dizzy- that means you needed it.
Walk around on your tippy toes for 60 seconds. Go barefoot. Think of it as wearing high heels without the shoe. It’s a great assessment of the strength in your calves and is an indicator of whether or not you have a problem with a nerve in your lower back.
Walk around on your heels for 60 seconds. This is great for working the anterior calf muscle, and you will feel it all the way up to your abdominals. It may feel awkward at first, but that’s the value. A word of caution, you may be very sore the next day.
You can start slowly by just doing one of these a day. Or you can do all of them if you think you’re ready. Get creative and think of inconvenient ways to move around. Step outside the norm and give your brain and nervous system a shock in sensorimotor input. Then watch the magic happen.
SOURCE: Perry Nickleston in the article “Stop Chasing Pain” in Strength Matters magazine Issue 27
Join now! Next 4-week session begins November 20th.
Novice: Tuesday and Thursdays from 3:45-4:30pm
Junior I: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 4:30-5:30pm
Junior II: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 4:30-5:30pm
Contact Elin at [email protected]
Free for members! Join us Thursdays from 5:30-6:30pm with Wendy. No class November 9th or 23rd.